
A Lifetime of 学习ing and Service: Dr. 亚伦C. 小巴斯. '72


满足博士. 亚伦C. 小巴斯., a luminary among Lincoln University of Pennsylvania's illustrious alumni. Not only has he earned the esteemed title of "Lifetime Achiever'' by Marquis Who's Who for his remarkable contributions to educational administration, but he has also received the prestigious Emeritus Award from Lincoln University and recently was nominated and elected President of the Northeast Region National Black Presbyterian Caucus in August 2023. He also achieved a seminary MDiv degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and a DMin degree from the United Lutheran Seminary.


Dr. 低音's journey from Lincoln University to a lifetime of learning and service is an inspiring testament to the transformative potential of education and an unwavering commitment to social justice.


Early Inspiration and Lincoln University Days

Dr. 低音's educational odyssey began with a powerful family legacy intertwined with Lincoln University. 他的叔叔, the first and only black dentist in Reading, PA, who had himself been a Lincoln alumnus, ignited the spark that led Dr. 低音 to Lincoln's hallowed halls. His decision to attend this esteemed institution was a pivotal moment in his life.


During his time at Lincoln, Dr. 低音 not only absorbed the rich historical tapestry of the university but also embraced its fervent dedication to social justice. It was here that he encountered the crucible of academic rigor and resilience. Freshmen were sternly cautioned, "Look around because half of you will be gone by the end of the first semester." This stern challenge galvanized him, fostering the growth of 批判性思维, 研究技能, and a profound affection for data analysis.


Lincoln's Emphasis on Social Justice

Lincoln University is renowned for its commitment to social justice and civil rights. This emphasis on justice and equity deeply influenced Dr. 低音's worldview and career aspirations. It sowed the seeds for his lifelong commitment to fighting for social justice and positively impacting his community.


Post-Graduation Journey and Educational Achievements

After earning his degree from Lincoln, Dr. 低音 continued his educational journey, ultimately earning a graduate scholarship to Temple University, where he earned an MA degree. 他在坦普尔大学的时光, with access to an astounding library and research opportunities, was enriched by the lessons he had learned at Lincoln. These experiences helped shape his career in education and research, laying the foundation for his impressive accomplishments. Dr. 低音 attributes his accomplishments to the Lord and thanks his wife, Rev. Dr. Jade King 低音, for her love and support.


Staying Connected and Giving Back

Dr. 低音's commitment to his alma mater didn't end with graduation. He remained engaged with the Lincoln University community and received the prestigious Emeritus Award in recognition of his contributions. 此外, his recent election as President of the Northeast Region National Black Presbyterian Caucus demonstrates his continued dedication to various causes and initiatives.


Words of Wisdom for Current and Prospective Students

Dr. 低音's advice to current and prospective students emphasizes the value of people and respectful communication. He encourages individuals to engage with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, recognizing that people are our greatest resource.


Continuing the Legacy

为博士. 低音, being a Lincoln University alumnus means striving for excellence, 批判性思维, and transcending cultural and media influences. His commitment to these principles continues to contribute to the university's legacy, inspiring current and future generations of Lincoln University students.